Shuangyi has been producing delicately wrought paintings that use figuration and pictorial fictioning to address deeply felt personal issues of family and familial tension and strife within the context of Chinese social culture. The shared psychological pressures within one-child family dynamic are addressed in a coded symbolism, that scrutinises the effects of divorce, separation and alienation on the self and loved others. 

​The formal exactitude and poetic poise in Shuangyi’s work is complete and very convincing. The delicate, structured brushwork, limited colour range and the subtle use of cropping of imagery heightens, intensifies and guides the viewer's experience. What started in previous work as dream-like proposition, in which overlays and juxtapositions collated, has now developed into “noir-ish”, universal drama, fully played out. There is an elegance to these paintings, both in form and content. The visual information is edited and composed with great emotional intelligence and precision.